“My story of bring a Hannah Center client is different than most. Married, happy with the news, and employed – at the Center! But with a husband out of work and experiencing this miracle for the first time I was nervous. The Center gave me more than just help with gathering the material things I needed for having a baby, the classes gave me confidence in birthing and being a mom, and having a doula gave us a lifelong friend of our family. They were there when we found out (after supporting me through a dramatic birth, a subsequent surgery, and that first year of parenthood) that we were expecting again and helped me start the whole process again with a planned c-section. Those babies are now 5 and 3, and are big brother and sister to our latest miracle, born this September, in Ireland. Although an ocean now separates us, you are still near and dear to our hearts. Thank you, Hannah Center for loving us for life!”


Micah’s daughter
“I was 25 with no family and found myself pregnant and homeless. When I was brought to the Hannah House, I was scared and felt all alone in the world. The women I met that worked there were amazing and still are! They taught me that love has no boundaries and family is not just blood. The love these women have for everyone that walks through their door is boundless. When I went in to have my daughter, they were there for me. My family came and left, but they came to my side in my time of need and showed me that I had the support of a family. A family that to this day I still have! Any time that I need to talk, or face a life changing issue, they are there for me. They sit and listen through tears while I explain my situation and pray with me. They show me even through all my hard times in my life there is hope and love and it is unconditional.
The biggest thing that I loved about living in the Hannah House was being able to meet new people and building a lasting friendship with these women. They taught us the things we would need for living outside the house. How to care for our babies, how to love, and any thing else we needed to learn. They supported us in every way possible. While I was there I would help at the Hannah Center, sorting clothes and making sure that they were suitable for other clients to pick from. I enjoying seeing all the love and compassion they had for every family that needed help. They did everything they could just to help them. I can not express enough the great thanks I have for the help I have received and the love I felt being there. These women are truly a gift from God and are doing his work everyday. I hope one day I can be that gracious!”
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